

Digital Transformation in Language Study and Education in the WB

ERASMUS+ CBHE (2024) Project No. 101179642


Project Summary

In the Digital Age, as children spend increasingly more time in the digital world at the expense of time spent in physical interaction with other children, digitalization of language instruction is imperative to improve oral communication, language skills and reduce anxiety in speaking tasks. The necessity to integrate digital methods and tools in language education and study has been identified in the West Balkans, where strategies have been developed for digital transformation setting digital competencies as a primary aim in the transformation of their educational systems. Common issues identified therein include the inadequate qualification of teachers, including language teachers, to integrate digital tools and methods in the teaching and learning process, as well as the absence of adequate digital content in WB languages.

Hereupon, this project aims to improve the quality of language education in the WB Higher Education Area by strengthening the participating HEI language teacher-training curricula with ICTs. The project will also establish and operationalize specialized laboratories. The particular objectives of the project are as follows:

A. The updating and enhancing existing curricula to incorporate digital methods and tools in language teaching, learning and research in new & innovative transformations of older disciplines (e.g., computational linguistics) and the development of new micro credentials training programmes for pre-university education teachers in the same discipline.

B. The establishment or enhancement of specialized laboratories of digital methods and tools in language teaching, learning and research.

C. The establishment of a network of institutions and individuals sharing similar interests in using and promoting digital tools in language teaching & learning, as well as in linguistic scientific research.

The project will thus develop capacities in the following three directions: 1. Digital Language Education. 2. Instruction of language skills & intercultural skills in a digital environment. 3. Digital transformation in discourse & linguistic analysis.


Project Partners

1.      Logos University College, Albania, Coordinator.

2.      University of Tirana, Albania, Partner.

3.      "Eqrem Çabej" University of Gjirokastrër, Albania, Partner.

4.      University of Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Partner.

5.      University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Partner

6.      University of Prishtina, Kosovo, Partner.

7.      “Isa Boletini” University of Mitrovica, Kosov, Partner.

8.      Mediterranean University of Podgorica, Montenegro Partner.

9.      University of Western Macedonia, Greece, Partner.

10.  OTTO-VON-GUERICKE University of Magdeburg, Germany, Partner.

11.  British School of Tirana, Albania, associated partner.

12.  Faik Konica School, Kosovo, associated partner.

13.  “Trol” Nursery School, Bosnia & Herzegovina, associated partner.

14.  “Miloje Dobrasinovic” High School, Montenegro, associated partner.

15.  TESSERA Information Systems Ltd., Greece, associated partner.


Project Duration: 36 months.