ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE Project Nr. 101083006 – MAGNET
Project Summary
University Pedagogy, mostly enhanced through the operation of Centres for Teaching and Learning (CTL), is a main pillar for the implementation of the European Higher Education Area. The MAGNET project aims to develop a network for University Pedagogy in the West Balkans States, through know-how transfer from countries that have CTLs under operation to all partner countries. Main objectives include the know-how transfer, the foundation of CTLs, the production of educational material and the creation of a sustainable network BalkaNetUP (Balkan Network for University Pedagogy).
1. Research and Needs Analysis of the teaching staff of all participating Higher Education Institutes, to bring out their teaching needs.
2. Actions to be taken at an institutional and national level leading to the establishment of CTLs.
3. The launching of BalkaNetUP for all HEI, bringing together academic communities from the West Balkan area.
4. The design and function of an e-platform to support BalkaNetUP, for communication and sharing of all deliverables of MAGNET project.
5. Development of training courses based on the Needs Analysis and an intensive literature review, in the form of pilot, field-focused, modules/courses with assigned ECTS that will be launched face-to-face or via eLearning methods.
6. The co-working of partners via webinars, face-to-face meetings and conferences scheduled in the form of workshops for all partners.
The expected results of MAGNET Project are:
• The support for the implementation of modern, innovative, transformative, student-centered instructional strategies in HEI in the West Balkans
• The formation of the BalkaNetUP via the integration of knowledge, good practices, shared experience for the academic educational processes
• The establishment of CTLs in HEIs
• The launching of an e-Net to support BalkaNetUP
• The upgrading of teaching and learning methods that lead to better students’ outcomes
Consortium Membership:
1. Democritus University of Thrace, Greece – project leader.
2. University of Patras, Greece – project partner.
3. University College LOGOS, Albania – project partner.
4. “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës – project partner.
5. University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia – project partner.
6. University Donja Gorica, Podgorica, Montenegro – project partner.
7. University of Prishtina, Kosovo* – project partner.
8. International Business College, Mitrovica, Kosovo* – project partner.
9. University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina – project partner.
10. University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina – project partner.
11. South-East European University, Tetovo, North Macedonia – project partner.
12. Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria – project partner.
Project Duration: 36 months. 400.000
Newsletter-MAGNET-Volume 1

Newsletter-MAGNET-Volume 2